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Montag, 15.07.2024
  • 14:00 Uhr: Standpunkt Funkrichtlinie Artikel 3.3.i ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams Benötigen Sie Hilfe?<> Jetzt an der Besprechung teilnehmen<"Tid":"939d9990-972c-4b84-96c4-478559bad360","Oid":"28776853-c0f3-44c0-8ab6-c6744552a849" > Besprechungs-ID: 390 734 432 813 Kennung: KiMXF5 ________________________________ Für Organisatoren: Besprechungsoptionen<> ________________________________________________________________________________ (Microsoft Teams-Besprechung)
Donnerstag, 18.07.2024
  • 10:00 Uhr: LE Brussels Direct Webinar - Beach reading LightingEurope Brussels Direct Webinar – Beach reading You are all invited to the LE Brussels Direct Webinar that will take place on the 18 July at from 10.00 to 11.15 CET. Topic: Beach reading (recap of all lighting relevant policy/legislative files) Speaker: LightingEurope Team Moderator: LightingEurope Team Registration: via this Google Form<> by Friday 12 July end of business Who can join: all LE direct and indirect members upon registration via form and participation in Teams with a clear name and surname How to connect: all registered participants will receive a link few days before the event. We look forward to seeing many of you and of your members and colleagues at our Beach reading webinar! Best regards, LE team ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams Besoin d'aide ?<> Rejoignez la réunion maintenant<"Tid":"0fc0aac0-3478-425d-9683-98136946586f","Oid":"4c754d3f-6b4a-4530-a570-b48564f996d5" > ID de réunion : 356 135 954 713 Code secret : TwSN4A ________________________________ Pour les organisateurs : Options de réunion<> ________________________________________________________________________________ (Réunion Microsoft Teams)
  • 10:00 Uhr: LightingEurope (Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt)
Mittwoch, 24.07.2024
  • 20:00 Uhr: [LV] LaVo Vorstandssitzung (MumbleBB)