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975 Bytes hinzugefügt, 20:02, 26. Apr. 2017
PPI signet
(it's not a logo; a logo usually includes the organizations name)
This work uses the Piratpartiet flag signet to which no copyright applies and a wreath designed in order to resemble those on the Vexilloid of the Roman Empire and the Flag of the United Nations. The decision for the colors was made on the basis that most Pirate Parties in 2009 bear either purple or orange as their party color. I've been responsible for the graphical implementation and let it up to the PPI board to decide on a suitable license.
* Announcement of original publication: http://lists.pirateweb.net/pipermail/pp.international.general/2009-October/004334.html
* Decision on the license: http://int.piratenpartei.de/PPI_Board_Minutes_2011-03-19#5.5_PPI_signet_.28licensing.29_.28proposed_by_Patrick.29
License: (P) 2009 - Pirate License "Do what you want because a pirate is free license"
The first publication was on 2009-10-10 on http://int.piratenpartei.de/File:PPI-signet.png
